Thompsontown Municipal Authority
Booster Pump Station Project
Projects rarely proceed on a straight line from a problem, to an idea, to a proposed solution, to design and finally to successful construction. Often, as one does the preliminary investigation, the observed problems reveal further issues that necessitate more out of the box thinking.
Such was the case with the Thompsontown Municipal Authority’s low water levels in Well 5 observed in August 2020.
After struggling through the drought of Fall 2020, TMA, under suggestion from the PA DEP, decided to develop a booster pumping station which could link their two separate pressure zones. The goal was to boost water from the lower pressure zone, which had an abundance of water, to the higher pressure zone of the community which was suffering from the drought. As the project evolved, TMA moved the site of the Pump Station to a more convenient location which they acquired from a customer to offset outstanding debt. Further, the initial design of the Pump Station included an Office however this too had to be reconsidered as the public bidding results were extremely high in the post COVID Construction Season of spring 2021.
Despite having to revisit the drawing board a few times, cb3 Solutions continued to diligently work with TMA, the DEP and the Booster Pump Supplier. Ultimately, solutions were found that allowed the TMA to install the originally designed Skid Mounted Pumps in a prefabricated building for considerable cost savings.